Men Knitting Behind Bars

Men and Knitting – Out Of The Closet

Some of my favorite knitters (and friends) are men. There is an up tick of men knitters today as noted in this UK article in The Telegraph:  Men’s knitting: is it ‘the new yoga’?

Brandon Mably, a British knitwear designer who runs knitting classes has also noticed a boom in male interest over the past year he says: “I think the stigma of knitting just being a woman’s craft has passed,” he says, pointing to a history of men’s knitting, with many in the army and navy being taught needlework during the war. Further back, medieval knitting guilds were men-only.

When you think about it why not? Women have been crossing the lines into the male world for years so why shouldn’t men. To confirm the popularity, a yarn store offering More Men’s Only Knitting from the UK.

I have been in yarn shops where men look like a fish out of water. Almost like when you see a man shopping with a women in the lingerie department of a store. No one thinks twice when a women is shopping for men’s underwear. In my house I am the only female and I shop for their underwear often. Interesting concept maybe US men have this macho image they need to keep up. Where as men in the UK are more free to express their feminine side. It has been proven no one is 100% male or female.

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