Knitting with Magic Loops | Fingerless Gloves

Magic Loops Again Once again I think I have conquered the magic loops after my third try. Beginning each row with a pearl stitch threw me for a (magic) loop, but I finally got it. The finished product hopefully will be a pair of fingerless gloves. The next challenge is working with two colors or […]

Hitchhiker Knitted Scarf Goes Viral

I never really think about knitting as going viral but that is what happened when I started knitting Maltina Behm’s Hitchhiker Shawlette. As of  today there are 6,500 projects on Ravelry. If you did the math at roughly $5.00 a pattern that is a homerun wow! Four members in my Saturday knitting group have already completed it […]

My Foggy Low Tide Morning at Muir Beach

Low tides are the perfect opportunity to explore and they are not always at the most convenient times. This past weeks minus tide in the morning is perfect for me and I was hoping to sneak away to the beach. Without much success today was my last chance and I seized the moment. I left […]

Knitting Is Not a Winter Sport

Knitting has always been analogous with winter but not around here. Yesterday it must have reached 90 degrees and the knitters were out in full force. There were at least 6 of us sitting under the umbrellas at the Corte Madera Town Center with needles in hand.

Knitting around with Warren Agee

When talking to knitters I  find it interesting to learn about that one person or event that influenced them most as a knitter. My first interview on KnitFun is with the person in my life that has been the most positive and influential to my love for knitting.  If it weren’t for this person I […]