Hitchhiker Scarf – What is the point?

I fell in love with the Hitchhiker Scarf earlier this year at Stitches West. The women wearing it at the show had it wrapped around her kneck maybe three times and I loved the way it draped with the simple points on the edge.

My Abundant * Wild * Life – Week One

The Thirty Day Challenge “Diving in and opening with Intention” was the theme for week one of the Abundant * Wild * Life  online workshop with Alena Hennesey and my personal 30 Day Challenge. Since this is an online workshop each day Alena would create a post to help guide us with our intentions for […]

tUnE-yArDs – ‘My Country’

Starring the kids of Brightworks and San Francisco Rock Project. Please check out tUnE-yArDs’ Kickstarter campaign to benefit San Francisco Rock Project: http://kck.st/HwyTRK SF Rock Project would like to start a “lending library” of instruments to offer students.  If our Kickstarter campaign succeeds, they will be able to reach even more young people with their unique […]

Needle Felting and What Is Felting

Today I returned to A Verb For Keeping Warm and learned how to needle felt with @sonyaphilip. When I registered for the class I thought it was “wet” felting which shows what I knew about felting before I took the class. Felt or felting is a non-woven cloth or item that is produced by matting, […]

My 30 Day Creative Challenge

I am embarking on a “30 Day Challenge” that starts Monday. The 30 Day Challenge was inspired by a Ignite Speech by Matt Cutts a year ago. I have only been able to complete on so far. So this is a real test of my dedication.